Shannon & Brian - Anniversary Session
/My dear, sweet & adorable friends are close to celebrating their one-year wedding anniversary! Before they got married last summer, they lived in separate cities and were long-distance. They got married in Missouri but immediately after, Shannon moved here to Chicago with Brian to officially start their married lives together. These photos are to celebrate their anniversary and to document their love in Chicago. The second I got out of the car at their apartment, this wall is the first thing I saw and told them we MUST do some photos here first!
Isn't Shannon SO beautiful?! The best part is that she's JUST as beautiful inside. She's one of my favorite people!
We took a Lyft down to the Planetarium and we couldn't get close to our destination because of the U2 concert going on! We had to walk quite a ways, but we found a few spots along the way to take some photos. This grove of birch trees had the PERFECT light!
Found another spot!
Made it to the Planetarium just in time for some beautiful light, right upon sunset!
I LOVE how much these guys laugh together!
Quick impromptu dance party to the Lumineers playing across the way at Soldier Field for U2!
My favorite.
My other favorite.
Oh, and this one too! Who am I kidding, they're all my favorite!
I was adjusting my light and told them it was a test and this is what I got! It's an outtake but I just love how silly they are.
After we wrapped up at the Planetarium and I had claimed The End, we walked toward Lake Shore Drive to try and get a Lyft. Walking through Museum Campus, I saw this view and made them stop for "one more" and I'm so glad they humored me!
Shannon & Brian, thank you SO much for having me document your Chicago love! I adore you both and love how much you love each other and the people in your lives.
We asked a passerby to take a photo of the three of us and the girl thought we were taking prom photos!