This Beautiful, Messy Life

In this age of Instagram-worthy images that portray perfect and mess-less lives, I’m here today to remind you that life is not perfect. We need to stop falling down the rabbit-hole of lies that it is, and stop comparing our lives to social media posts. Life - it’s messy, yet beautiful. It’s chaotic and loud, in between quiet and lonely. No matter where you’re at on your journey in this life, it’s never going to look like anyone else’s. And that’s ok! In fact, it’s amazing. It’s what makes your life unique, your story different. Embrace the mess and the moments that aren’t picture-perfect. I try to in my own life, and I definitely try to for client sessions as well. Especially if there are small kiddos involved! Oftentimes, my favorite moments when editing are the real-life ones like this. These two big sisters have so much personality, and so much love for their new little brother. But change is hard, all, especially when you’re young and a new little creature that never leaves is brought home! Embrace the chaos, friends, and look for the beauty in the mess that life can be. Happy New Year!

Cheers, Courtney

Darling Tween and Kiddo Photo Session at The Painted Crate {Columbus, WI}

I was back in Wisconsin visiting family this past spring when my sister & mom took me into the most adorable little shop in Columbus. Cindy Klein, of The Painted Crate, has the most beautiful space inside an old car repair shop that she transformed into a charismatic little retail experience. It’s full of local handmade soaps & balms, small batch candles, fun gifts, jewelry, vintage charm, furniture paint and so much more. AND it’s gorgeous! From the second I walked into this space, I knew I had to come back and take some photos. Cindy has the cutest vignettes all around her store and she takes such care into making this space look so warm and welcoming. If you’re ever passing through Columbus, you must check it out!

I have 5 nieces (aka my own little personal models!) and they’re all as beautiful outside as inside, and I take their photos annually, and I love them… commence run-on sentence because that’s what I do when I’m excited about something! I had to take their photos here, and I’m delighted we did! They’re all growing up so quickly and emerging into these amazing little humans, and they’re at fun ages where they’re willing to pose for photos. The oldest is 11 (going on 21!) and I’ve been in her face, literally, since the day she was born! People tell me that she looks just like I did at that age, and while I do see a resemblance, I also can’t help but feel flattered because this girl is stunning! At her age, I felt awkward, lonely and anything but beautiful so I hope that these photos will show my favorite ladies how bright their inner and outer lights are & that they can make a difference in this often-bleak world. I don’t have my own children (by choice) and these ladies are the closest I have to influencing a generation. I hope I can teach them to see the world with open minds, thoughtful curiosity about others in this world, especially those who are different from them & above all - kindness. It’s what we all need right now.

In truth and full disclosure, I’ve been struggling this year. I thought I had found my purpose with photography and documenting people’s joy, moments and lives. But after 12+ years it’s begun to feel like it’s not enough. Don’t get me wrong, I do love taking beautiful photos of beautiful moments, but it feels like I need to do more. Like I was meant to do more to improve this place we live in. Our world is rapidly deteriorating around us and I’ve personally taken an intense interest in preserving what’s left of it. I consider myself a fierce climate and animal activist (among activism for women’s rights, Black Lives Matter, lgbtq rights & gun laws) and is something I’m most passionate about. I’m trying to figure out how I can incorporate that activism into my business. My business that documents pretty things, but which also contributes to consumerism & a carbon footprint that I don’t love. I’m trying to live without so much “stuff” which often feels like it’s weighing me down. But some of that “stuff” includes photos of all of the memories I want to preserve and remember/display. Because I firmly believe that images should not just be digital form. The balance, and the thought that I’m contributing to this materialistic world with what I do, is something I struggle with daily. I’m not quitting or going anywhere, just feeling a bunch of feelings about it & writing things down is how I process and figure things out. Thank you for giving me the space to lay it all out there.



The Smiliest Newborn I've Ever Photographed [Chicago, IL]

Little Miss I smiled almost nonstop during her newborn session this summer and I loved every second with her and her family! Born on the 4th of July, I can already tell she’s going to be a little firecracker, full of personality & I’m so honored I was chosen to document her first big photo session. She slept through most of her session, but when she showed her eyes it was so beautiful. Her big brother was so helpful, and so in love with his little sister; it was very sweet to watch. And the dog! Her big fur brother is the most gentle giant, protector of the family. The 3 of these “kiddos” are all going to be best friends.

Newborn baby girl in a purple swaddle smiles in her sleep during her newborn session in Chicago.
Newborn baby girl in a green swaddle lays in her crib, with lemon sheets, looking at the camera during her newborn session in Chicago.
Newborn baby girl in a green swaddle lays in her crib, with lemon sheets, smiling in her sleep during her newborn session in Chicago.
Close-up of newborn baby girl’s hands from her newborn session in Chicago
Newborn baby girl wrapped in a purple swaddle lays in the neck of her dog brother during her newborn session
Black and white profile photo of a newborn baby girl during her photo session in Chicago
Newborn baby girl wrapped in a purple swaddle is held by her dad while mom looks at her lovingly during her newborn photo session in Chicago
Family portrait of a family sitting with their newborn, toddler and dog on a patio couch during their newborn session in Chicago
Newborn baby girl in a purple swaddle is held & kissed by her big brother during her newborn session in Chicago.

Their sweet dog Scout is the reason this family found me! A few years ago I was photographing some holiday mini pet fundraiser sessions for Alive Rescue here in Chicago & they brought Scout in (pre-kiddos!) to be photographed. A few years down the road they remembered I did newborn photos and reached out for a session of their own. All of the seeds I’ve been planting over the past few years are starting to germinate and while it’s been a slow build since I moved here, it’s all coming together. I don’t advertise and the introvert in me has a hard time networking and talking about my business. So 98% of what I do is from word of mouth and referrals you send my way. It makes me so grateful every day that I get to do this, and that you spread the word about me. Trust the timing, friends. Life takes you where you need to go and teaches you what you need to learn in the moment. Be well and be kind.

xoxo, Courtney