Sunshine & Relaxation

Last month I had the pleasure of spending a few days in Ft. Lauderdale with some incredible girlfriends. While packing for the trip, I made sure I threw my camera in my suitcase or knew I'd regret it otherwise. I limited myself to one lens and left the speedlights behind. Less was more because I knew myself and knew that I wouldn't use it all. And creatively, it forces me to take a minimalist approach and work with what I've got. It's a challenge! 

However, I took a lot of photos but aside from my phone, I only took my pro camera out one time because I was too busy enjoying my relaxation time! It was a good reminder for me to just live in the moment and not worry about getting a photo of every beautiful thing I observed. I was able to be present, take it all in and just enjoy what was happening around me with the great company I was with. Sometimes it's nice to just take a real break from everything, including my camera.

The few images I did take were on the beach before all of the spring-breakers bombarded the sandy gloriousness with their fraternity flags and plastic jugs full of Kool-Aid-looking liquid. 

PAWS Animal Magnetism

Last week I photographed an event for PAWS, an organization that I hold dear to my heart! If you've never heard of them, go here and read about this wonderful no-kill animal shelter here in Chicago. I started volunteering for them about a year ago when I moved here and couldn't bring my dog with me. Don't worry, she's in good hands back in WI with my mom and dad but I was missing her like crazy. I started volunteering for selfish reasons to get my dog fix, but it quickly turned into something more powerful. Every single time I go there, I cry. Every. Single. Time. It's so heart-breaking to hear some of the stories that these innocent dogs have gone through and I want to bring every one of them home when I'm there. Those dogs have done way for me than I ever could for them and I get extremely happy (and cry happy tears, of course) when they get adopted! I haven't been able to volunteer much lately because of my schedule, so being able to photograph for them was an honor. The event I photographed was called Animal Magnetism and it was SO much fun! Head here to see more photos from the event and read about how you can help.

Below are some of my favorite photos from the night, including the flowers and details of the building. PAWS left no detail untouched. If you know me, you know how much I LOOOOOOVE fresh flowers. Oh, and sharp-dressed dogs! What a wonderful evening.  

It took place at Morgan Manufacturing in the Fulton Market District in Chicago and it is a photographer's dream! Exposed brick walls, fun light fixtures, cool blue lighting on the stairs, walls made of glass blocks behind the bar and the view from the second floor is pretty incredible. Even the ladies' room was covered head to toe in detail. If I had to guess, I'd say the men's room did not disappoint but you'll have to check for yourself! If your'e looking for a venue for an event like a wedding, I'd recommend it. And I'd recommend you have me photograph it! 

Super Bowl 51, Lady Gaga, Beauty and Being You

Confession: I did not watch the Super Bowl this past weekend. I did, however, watch Lady Gaga's halftime performance and loved it! She's the epitome of a strong, successful, beautiful woman who doesn't give a damn what others think of her! She's so inspiring to me in so many ways and I think she's an exquisite role model. So when I started seeing all of these headlines about her body being a topic in negative ways, I was quite upset. I mean, she OWNED that performance and looked fantastic! And people were saying she was "fat" and shouldn't have been wearing an outfit that showed her stomach like that... Please! I could understand expressing opinions of her performance, music, etc since we all don't like the same things, but to attack based on appearance alone? What message does that send? Think about every woman in the world who doesn't look like Lady Gaga, and how that makes everyone else feel. Think about the message it's sending to young children. That it's ok to verbally attack someone for no reason. It is so sad that there are so many bullies in this world that are so full of hate and anger within themselves that they need to tear others down to feel better.

It saddens me to think we live in a world where young girls, and women of all ages for that matter, are taught to believe something is wrong with us if we're not physically perfect. My heart aches at the thought of my nieces, and all young girls, growing up having to constantly compare themselves to society's version of perfection and how damaging this can be to self-esteem. It's setting them up for failure so early on, at a prime time when their sense of self is developing and being shaped.

We are all unique, and we all have different bodies. No one is perfect and it's something that needs to be celebrated, not criticized. THIS is why I do boudoir beauty sessions. To help you see yourself the way I see you: beautiful, just as you are. To show you that the way you have been taught by society to see yourself is not accurate. It's not just about pretty pictures of you, it's about a sense of empowerment and owning yourself, so-called flaws and all. We all benefit from each other when we let our light shine and recognize our own value. Celebrate you!

Imagine if we all focused on lifting each other up instead of tearing one another apart. We are all beautiful in our own ways. Let's re-define "society's" definition of beautiful and start accepting EVERYONE exactly as they are.

Be you, exactly as you are, just like ^Lynnea^ does every day! This girl is gorgeous on the outside, but her inner beauty is equally stunning. Killer personality, talented, loyal, musical dancing queen with an infectious smile, killer eyes and a giant heart full of love. She welcomed me into her tribe with open arms and I am eternally grateful to know such an incredible human being. Thanks for working with me, Lady!

We can all learn from Lady Gaga and Lynnea: that it's better to be authentic than to dim your inner light to conform to a sense of "normal." Be your weird self, my darlings!

XOXO, Courtney