Sunshine & Relaxation
/Last month I had the pleasure of spending a few days in Ft. Lauderdale with some incredible girlfriends. While packing for the trip, I made sure I threw my camera in my suitcase or knew I'd regret it otherwise. I limited myself to one lens and left the speedlights behind. Less was more because I knew myself and knew that I wouldn't use it all. And creatively, it forces me to take a minimalist approach and work with what I've got. It's a challenge!
However, I took a lot of photos but aside from my phone, I only took my pro camera out one time because I was too busy enjoying my relaxation time! It was a good reminder for me to just live in the moment and not worry about getting a photo of every beautiful thing I observed. I was able to be present, take it all in and just enjoy what was happening around me with the great company I was with. Sometimes it's nice to just take a real break from everything, including my camera.
The few images I did take were on the beach before all of the spring-breakers bombarded the sandy gloriousness with their fraternity flags and plastic jugs full of Kool-Aid-looking liquid.