Sweet Baby Camille - Chicago Lifestyle Newborn Photo Session

Ever want to know how to rock your newborn photo session? Just follow this family’s lead! Get the whole fam in, including both dogs! Give me a newborn and a dog & I’m in love. Two dogs and a newborn, though? I’m obsessed. All the heart eyes over here!

It took a while for me to actually get to meet sweet baby Camille but I was so glad when I did! I was supposed to photograph her birth, but wasn’t able to because she ended up being breach so her Mama had to have an unplanned C-section. Shortly after birth she was diagnosed with Down Syndrome and it was a scary time for her mom and dad. After a NICU stay, this sweet girl was finally able to come home. Here, she is about a month old and doing fantastic - just ask her pup siblings! Welcome to the world, beautiful girl. You’re already such a fighter and a true inspiration!

newborn on bed with two dogs

Welcome, Camille, I can’t wait to see who you become. Much love!

When Should I Book My Lifestyle Newborn Session?

I get asked this question very often! Since I started focusing on lifestyle newborn photography sessions instead of sleepy-baby super-posed sessions, it's become a bit more relaxed in terms of how long we can wait to do photos after your baby has arrived. I still believe that the sooner we do your newborn photos the sleepier they tend to be, and the easier the session flows for mom and dad. However, I typically photograph newborns in their homes up to one month old. Every baby is different, of course, and it also depends on how early or late your baby made their debut. 


Newborns are best photographed between 4 and 14 days old.


Lifestyle Sessions -babies can be photographed up to one month old.


Pro tip: I recommend keeping the heat cranked in your home, or if it's summer turn the A/C off, during your in-home newborn session. 


As tempting as it may seem to be all about the baby at first, I believe it's not JUST about the baby! While I love nothing more than a super-adorable babe wrapped in a swaddle blanket with her hands on her cheeks, all cozy and cute, I think you must be in the photos too! This is a time that goes by SO fast and you're going to want to look back, when the moments may be a bit blurred. Your baby will love looking at the photos while growing up, and will greatly appreciate those photos when they are all grown up.


Sweet Little Pumpkin - Madison Newborn Session - Madison, WI

I’ve been photographing this sweet little family since their oldest was a few weeks old. Baby number 3 came a few weeks ago and I was SO excited when they asked me to come back to Madison for his newborn photos. This family is so special to me not only because I’ve been photographing them for so long, but because I grew up two houses down from Adam and he and his brothers were always like brothers to me. (Like the time they locked my sisters and I in the laundry room when we were over for a snow day, or when we would make homemade fruit rollups or popcorn/cranberry strands at Christmas time!!) I will always adore him like older sisters do, and I love how much he loves Lindsey and their little family! It was so hare to choose just a few, but my favorites from their session are below. Welcome to the world, Mr. Mac! You are SO loved.

PS. Award for family with the best hair goes to these guys!
