I was back in Wisconsin visiting family this past spring when my sister & mom took me into the most adorable little shop in Columbus. Cindy Klein, of The Painted Crate, has the most beautiful space inside an old car repair shop that she transformed into a charismatic little retail experience. It’s full of local handmade soaps & balms, small batch candles, fun gifts, jewelry, vintage charm, furniture paint and so much more. AND it’s gorgeous! From the second I walked into this space, I knew I had to come back and take some photos. Cindy has the cutest vignettes all around her store and she takes such care into making this space look so warm and welcoming. If you’re ever passing through Columbus, you must check it out!
I have 5 nieces (aka my own little personal models!) and they’re all as beautiful outside as inside, and I take their photos annually, and I love them… commence run-on sentence because that’s what I do when I’m excited about something! I had to take their photos here, and I’m delighted we did! They’re all growing up so quickly and emerging into these amazing little humans, and they’re at fun ages where they’re willing to pose for photos. The oldest is 11 (going on 21!) and I’ve been in her face, literally, since the day she was born! People tell me that she looks just like I did at that age, and while I do see a resemblance, I also can’t help but feel flattered because this girl is stunning! At her age, I felt awkward, lonely and anything but beautiful so I hope that these photos will show my favorite ladies how bright their inner and outer lights are & that they can make a difference in this often-bleak world. I don’t have my own children (by choice) and these ladies are the closest I have to influencing a generation. I hope I can teach them to see the world with open minds, thoughtful curiosity about others in this world, especially those who are different from them & above all - kindness. It’s what we all need right now.