The Smiliest Newborn I've Ever Photographed [Chicago, IL]

Little Miss I smiled almost nonstop during her newborn session this summer and I loved every second with her and her family! Born on the 4th of July, I can already tell she’s going to be a little firecracker, full of personality & I’m so honored I was chosen to document her first big photo session. She slept through most of her session, but when she showed her eyes it was so beautiful. Her big brother was so helpful, and so in love with his little sister; it was very sweet to watch. And the dog! Her big fur brother is the most gentle giant, protector of the family. The 3 of these “kiddos” are all going to be best friends.

Newborn baby girl in a purple swaddle smiles in her sleep during her newborn session in Chicago.
Newborn baby girl in a green swaddle lays in her crib, with lemon sheets, looking at the camera during her newborn session in Chicago.
Newborn baby girl in a green swaddle lays in her crib, with lemon sheets, smiling in her sleep during her newborn session in Chicago.
Close-up of newborn baby girl’s hands from her newborn session in Chicago
Newborn baby girl wrapped in a purple swaddle lays in the neck of her dog brother during her newborn session
Black and white profile photo of a newborn baby girl during her photo session in Chicago
Newborn baby girl wrapped in a purple swaddle is held by her dad while mom looks at her lovingly during her newborn photo session in Chicago
Family portrait of a family sitting with their newborn, toddler and dog on a patio couch during their newborn session in Chicago
Newborn baby girl in a purple swaddle is held & kissed by her big brother during her newborn session in Chicago.

Their sweet dog Scout is the reason this family found me! A few years ago I was photographing some holiday mini pet fundraiser sessions for Alive Rescue here in Chicago & they brought Scout in (pre-kiddos!) to be photographed. A few years down the road they remembered I did newborn photos and reached out for a session of their own. All of the seeds I’ve been planting over the past few years are starting to germinate and while it’s been a slow build since I moved here, it’s all coming together. I don’t advertise and the introvert in me has a hard time networking and talking about my business. So 98% of what I do is from word of mouth and referrals you send my way. It makes me so grateful every day that I get to do this, and that you spread the word about me. Trust the timing, friends. Life takes you where you need to go and teaches you what you need to learn in the moment. Be well and be kind.

xoxo, Courtney

Chicago Area Lifestyle Newborn {Glen Ellyn, IL}

It’s been bit since I’ve had some time to blog and I’m quite behind! Yay for being busy, though, especially since I’m worried another shut-down is in store for us again. I’ve already had to cancel/turn away some Fresh 48 sessions because of restrictions :( Really wish people would get vaccinated and mask up so we can all get past this sooner.

Anyway, take a look at this sweet pea who arrived much earlier than his due date because he couldn’t wait to party with his family! Little L was awake almost the entire time for his session and I was quite pleased. I mean, look at those beautiful eyes! I LOVE when newborns are awake and I can get a glimpse of their little personality. I look at them and wonder who they’ll become, I look to see who they look more like. It’s so fun for me. And a tip to expecting mamas - roll with it if your baby’s eyes are open for their session. These unpredictable creatures usually eventually go to sleep so you’ll get sleepy photos and eyes open. The best of both worlds.

Welcome to the world, Mr. L. I’m so glad you’re here!

Newborn baby boy looks at the camera while laying on a bed during his newborn photo session in Glen Ellyn, IL a suburb of Chicago

Newborn baby boy looks at the camera while laying on a bed during his newborn photo session in Glen Ellyn, IL a suburb of Chicago

Newborn baby boy looks at his mom while laying on a bed during his newborn photo session in Glen Ellyn, IL a suburb of Chicago
Newborn baby boy in a blue onesie with brown buttons lays on a bed looking toward the window during his newborn photo session in Glen Ellyn, IL a suburb of Chicago
Newborn baby boy lays on a bed being adored by his parents during his newborn photo session in Glen Ellyn, IL a suburb of Chicago
Newborn baby boy is wrapped in his dad’s arms while laying on a bed during his newborn photo session in Glen Ellyn, IL a suburb of Chicago
Newborn baby boy smiles in his sleep while laying on a bed during his newborn photo session in Glen Ellyn, IL a suburb of Chicago
Newborn baby boy smiles in his sleep while his mom and dad hold him during his newborn photo session in Glen Ellyn, IL ,a suburb of Chicago

Springtime Chicago Area Maternity Session - Glen Ellyn, IL

There’s something about springtime maternity sessions that are so magical to me. The light after a long, dark winter seems extra beautiful and glow-y. The anticipation of my couples SO looking forward to meeting their littles. It all gets me right in the heart. Sarah & Tom were no exception & I had a blast with them! They were referred to me by Tom’s brother and sister-in-law and Tom looks so much like his brother Matt, whom I’ve photographed many times, that I kept calling Tom his brother’s name. It happened so many times, and I would catch myself immediately and they would laugh but boy did I feel bad! I typically do things to make a fool out of myself to get clients natural reactions, but this was unintentional and not quite the same as me horribly singing “Call Me Maybe” to high school seniors to get them to laugh! I’m so grateful for Sarah and Tom’s grace and I cannot wait to meet their little one and capture the start of their parenthood journey.

Also, does Sarah have a celebrity look-alike?! The whole time I kept thinking she looked like someone famous but couldn’t place who. She said she’s gotten Rachel McAdams before, and I can see that when she smiles and when she talks. But I don’t think that’s who I’m thinking of. Maybe a bit of a Jennie Garth? What I Like About You Jennie, not 90201 Jennie! If you think she looks like someone, let me know in the comments because it’s driving me crazy that I can’t place it!

Couple walking in their backyard, smiling at each other, during their maternity session in Glen Ellyn, IL.
Couple looking at each other, holding hands on mom-to-be’s belly, during their maternity session.
Mom-to-be looks down at her baby bump while standing next to blooming daffodils during her spring maternity photo session.
Mom and Dad snuggle together while looking down at baby bump.
Couple dances in a park during their maternity session in Glen Ellyn, IL