Chicago Newborn Lifestyle Session [Roscoe Village, Chicago]

If you’re like me & are reeling in anxiety from the election counting process and you can’t go on anymore miles-long walks or stress-eat anymore, maybe some cute baby toes and big brother secret-telling will distract you?

Photographing newborns these days looks quite different than it did in the beginning of the year but I’m still safely photographing. Check out this sweet session with Mr. M, the smiliest baby I’ve had in a long time, and his proud big brother Jim. Although Marty was brand new, he was too excited to sleep and didn’t want to miss anything going on in the world so he partied like it was 1999 the whole time I was with him! That’s ok, though, because I love when babies open their eyes and I get a glimpse of who they are. And I really love big brothers that are up for the job of showing their siblings the ways of the world! Plus, these two have the coolest brother-name-pairing ever. Jim and Marty?! Come on! I never hear those names anymore. I was talking to their Mom during this session and we both agreed it sounds like a pair of two old guys getting coffee together. How adorable is that?!

I’ll keep the post short today and let the images do the talking because my head’s already back into anxious-land and I need to go check the NPR website and pour a glass of wine because I can’t concentrate anymore and am just producing run-on sentences… ;)

Hang in there, friends!


Ping Tom Memorial Park Maternity Session {Chicago, IL}

Oh how I love maternity sessions. LOVE them. I love the joy, the happiness and the excitement of the journey parents are on and I am so grateful that I get to document these special moments. It’s so beautiful to witness how something can be so loved before even being on the outside of the womb!

Check out a few of the highlights from this session! I had so much fun getting to know Kim & Joe - we started during the golden hour in their neighborhood and then headed to Ping Tom Memorial Park in Chinatown. It was my first time at this park and the view is stunning. I think it’s my new favorite view of the city and I can’t wait to go back. We were there just as the sun was setting and then it turned dark and the city started shining like no other. What a magical evening.

I can’t wait to meet this little human and watch Kim and Joe fall even more in love 💛

I hope you’re all staying healthy and safe, friends.

Couple holds hands during their maternity session at Ping Tom Memorial Park in Chicago

Pandemic Baby - AND Be Sure to Vote!

I was supposed to photograph this sweet girl's newborn photos in April. Then covid tore the world apart. We took some of her mom’s maternity photos the Friday before Chicago shut down in March. She was the oldest "newborn" I've ever photographed at two months, but she slept like a one-week old for the last half of her session.

Earlier this year, for over two months, I couldn’t photograph anyone. And it was heart-wrenching. Knowing new mamas weren’t getting those snuggly photos of those first few days or weeks with their littles made me so sad.

I’ll admit I was a bit nervous going into this session because two month old babies can be very unpredictable! I typically photograph babies between one week and a month new. The older they get, the less predictable they are in terms of sleepiness. Not that a baby needs to be asleep to get great photos, but it does make it a bit less challenging when they’re sleepy :) I mean, often times when a two month old is awake it’s because they’re h-u-n-g-r-y! Having said that, I do LOVE when a newborn opens their eyes during our sessions - I feel like I get a glimpse into who they are as a tiny little human! So with little Miss A’s session, I got the best of both worlds! Awake AND smiley and then some sleepy snuggly photos too. This was a nice “welcome back” session after a dark March/April/May.

Baby girl smiles as she’s swaddled in a Posh Peanut floral wrap during her newborn session, which was delayed by two months due to the pandemic
Newborn baby girl and her big sister in matching outfits lay on a pink rug while big sister kisses her baby sister.
Mom lays on a soft pink rug next to her newborn baby
Newborn baby girl wrapped in a pink swaddle lays sleeping on a soft pink rug in her nursery.
Close-up of newborn baby girl’s fingers
Newborn baby girl in a pink swaddle & pink headband lays in her crib on a floral sheet from Posh Peanut
Newborn baby girl in pink swaddle blanket & pink headband lies on a soft grey rug next to a line of her stuffed animals. Baby elephants, baby rabbits and baby sheep stuffed animals.

PSA: Please go vote if you haven’t already! Our democracy, and the future of little girls like Miss A, is depending on all of us. Figure out your voting plan and do your civic duty. I did mail-in voting here in Chicago and dropped off my ballot last week. I received my confirmation of receipt the next day. Easy and safe, which is what we need in this pandemic. I obviously won’t tell you who to vote for, but for full transparency I voted Biden/Harris. I believe we need real leadership with compassionate people. And I believe America, but especially women, Black people, LGBTQ people, immigrants and the Earth all deserve better. I’m voting for basic human rights.