Happiest, Coziest Christmas Wishes To You & Your Loves!

All 2021 sessions have wrapped, Christmas is here, it's officially winter & I’m ready to hibernate ;) Well, except for newborn sessions and some head shots, I’ll be hibernating. I’m extra grateful for you all, in another year of a global pandemic. Every like or comment on my IG, every email response you send, cheering me on when I send out a newsletter, every referral you send my way, every session you have with me, every ounce of support. You all keep me going and I am so so very thankful for you.

While for many of us the holidays may not be (once again) what we planned, I hope you’re still able to find peace, joy and love in whatever you’re doing, and whomever you’re spending time with. And for those of you struggling to find the joy (🙋raises hand) this season - I see you and am sending hugs and love your way. I can't wait for the day when I can actually hug you and your littles again.

Chicago skyline view from Ping Tom Memorial Park in Chinatown

As I mentioned above, I’ll be mostly hibernating in January but will be doing so with my favorite girl. My dog Emmie Lou is finally moving to Chicago with me! When I first moved here 6 years ago, I moved into an apartment that didn’t allow dogs so she stayed back in WI with my parents. But this year I became a homeowner (still feels surreal to write that!) and I can call the shots on who’s allowed inside. So here comes Emmie! She can no longer hear, she’s 15, has a bit of a tough time with stairs and I’m removing her from the company of her best fur-friend/roommate Jersey so I’m a bit nervous that I’m wrecking her world. Wish us luck as we adjust together!

As always, thank you for opening, reading and sharing. I so appreciate you!


Here’s a photo of her from when she got to come stay with me for a month in lockdown of 2020. We checked out the tulips on an empty Michigan Avenue, which was one of the strangest Chicago experiences I’ve had.

A West Highland Terrier/Lhasa Apso mix dog sits in front of the tulips on an empty Michigan Avenue in Chicago during the lockdown of April 2020.

It's My Dog's 14th Birthday Today!

My Emmie Lou is 14 today and I’m kind of astounded! 14?! I feel like she was JUST a puppy, running around the house in circles, getting her zoomies out and chasing my roommates’ cats! Here are a few of my favorite photos from the past year. I first got Emmie when she was a puppy and it was just before I started my photography journey, and before I knew what I was doing with storing/organizing digital files! I have printed copies of the photos from when she was a pup, but digging through years of digital files that aren’t accurately organized is too daunting to me so I won’t be showing any puppy photos today. Even though she was the cutest-yet-saddest-looking pup and she used to hide under tables when I first brought her home. She’s always been a timid creature, but also the most snuggly little BFF I could’ve asked for. I love this girl, my fur baby, with my whole heart.


Loss, Love and Life in 2020 - A Pandemic Journal Entry

In the event you’re needing some positive, colorful, loving encouragement today, this is for you.

2020 has been a challenge for all of us, that’s for certain. It’s been a tremendous season of loss and heartbreak over here and I’ve been in a grief-stricken state for the majority of the year. Every time I come close to terms with a loss, another one happens. My grandfather passed away at the end of January, the same week as Kobe Bryant. Just over a month later, my friend Jackie passed away unexpectedly in March. And in June, a childhood friend lost a rapid battle with an extremely aggressive brain cancer. Mix in all the turmoil and devastation from the pandemic, in an election year filled with even more police brutality, and I’ve really been struggling. I keep thinking how lucky we were to be able to have a funeral for Grandpa right before the world shut down and my heart aches for those lives who haven’t been properly celebrated yet. It’s all a bit much to handle this year.

I am a feeler, a wear-my-heart-on-my-sleeve-er. I feel everything to the max. Total 4 on the Enneagram, if you’re familiar! I tend to get swallowed in my own darkness, but lately I’ve been wondering about all those in my life I haven’t seen in months. Friends, family, clients. You’re all on my heart and I’m hoping that if life is giving you lemons, you’re making the most of it. If not, you have my deepest appreciation and I hope you’ve turned those lemons into a nice stiff cocktail!


What I’ve found to be the most therapeutic this year is my garden. It’s something to take care of and tend to, other than myself. I’ve been harvesting basil and making pesto every other day and picking small floral bouquets for around our house. I’ve lost two lavender plants this week, and I’m pretty bummed because those are my favorite! Even my horticulture background doesn’t make me immune to plant loss but I’m at a loss as to why they died. I blame the pandemic. Or the 80 trillion ants.

Jackie’s birthday was this past Sunday; she would’ve been just 42. I was out watering, fertilizing and picking flowers this morning when I realized I wanted to create an “edibles” project but when I saw what I was creating, I knew it had to be a tribute to honor her life. Colorful, vibrant and beautiful - just like her. I sure miss you, Jax.

Much love friends. Still missing you all.

xoxo, Courtney