Glimpse of My World

I love my room here in Chicago and wanted to share for those who haven't visited yet. It's FULL of sunshine and fresh air is usually blowing through the curtains, making them look almost magical. I miss my friends and family terribly, so I have pictures EVERYWHERE so I can always be reminded of how much love I'm surrounded by when I'm having a tough day. I've collected an eclectic assortment of treasures over the years and I love the little details. Every object has a meaning to me. With hand-written notes from loved ones to the Polaroid camera adorning my mini stack of books, I love collecting these moments. I love old and new, modern & antique, polished and charmed but have had a tough time trying to combine them in recent years. I think I've finally managed to pull it off. One of my favorite things is a Dream journal and it's chewed up on the corner from when Emmie was a puppy. I was so mad at her when it happened, but now I love it even more. Puppy bite marks add character, right?! Much love & sunshine,


Fulton Market District

I realized recently that I have not done any shooting for fun, for just me, in I don't know even know how many months. I'm in this awesome city and I NEVER have my camera with me unless it's for client sessions. I've been burning out on using just my phone for photos so when I had a session in the Fulton Market District this morning, I stayed put in the neighborhood and made myself walk around with my camera. It was a sweltering 95 degrees and 500% humidity so I didn't last long, but here are some of the scenes I saw.

My Favorite Little Ladies

I got to spend some time with all FIVE of my nieces last weekend and it was incredible. That never happens! I adore all of these little ladies and love every second I get to spend with them. It was a few days past Avianna's fifth birthday so we put together the Chicago puzzle I gave her and she had me paint her nails. She chose a different color for every finger and toe - I hope she never loses her sense of style! Aurelia's two now and just a crazy tornado that doesn't sit still long enough to even look at the camera. Ansleigh is six months and sitting up all by herself and still making crazy faces. Mataya is already taller than me and I love how much she loves her sisters!

We even got a photo of all of the grand babies together for my mom. Skyler is just over a month old here and she's already looking so big. Time sure does fly. Can't wait to see all of these girls in my city this week. We're going to explore Chicago, eat pizza & ice cream and hit up the Shedd. So excited! I love being Auntie Coney more than anything in the world.